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static scanning中文是什么意思

用"static scanning"造句"static scanning"怎么读"static scanning" in a sentence


  • 静态扫描


  • From the point view of our hardware realization , we abstract the scan mode again . we divide it into three kind of mode . they are : trans - scan , gate scan and static scan
    在这里我们根据硬件操作的实际实现性,我们对pet的数据采集模式进行了重新抽象,可以将其归纳为三种扫描方式:透射扫描、门控扫描、静态扫描(又称发射扫描) 。
  • The data acquisition of the pet has several kind of mode . there are deferent mode divided by deferent standard . there are empty scan , trans - scan and emission scan . the emission scan could be divided into 2d and 3d by space and be divided into static scan , dynamic scan , gated scan and whole body scan
用"static scanning"造句  
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